Using OOH for Comparative Advertising

A Guide To Using OOH For Comparative Advertising

In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of comparative advertising and guide you on how to effectively use out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaigns. Comparative advertising is a powerful tool that allows businesses to highlight their advantages over competitors and sway consumer preferences. By leveraging OOH advertising, you can reach a wide audience and make a lasting impact. So, let’s dive in and discover the potential and use of OOH.

What is Comparative Advertising?

Comparative advertising is a marketing strategy that involves directly comparing your product or service to that of your competitors. It aims to highlight the superior features, benefits, or pricing of your offering to persuade consumers to choose your brand over others. This form of advertising can be an effective way to differentiate your brand in a competitive market and influence consumer purchasing decisions.

Is Comparative Advertising Legal in the UK?

In the UK, comparative advertising is legal as long as it adheres to certain guidelines set by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The ASA requires comparative advertising to be truthful, accurate, and not misleading. It should also not denigrate or unfairly discredit competitors. By following these guidelines, businesses can engage in comparative advertising campaigns without legal repercussions.

What are the Pros and Cons of Comparative Advertising?


Differentiation: Comparative advertising allows you to highlight the unique selling points of your product or service, setting it apart from competitors.

Increased Awareness: By comparing your brand to well-known competitors, you can leverage their existing brand recognition to increase awareness of your own brand.

Persuasion: Comparative advertising can be persuasive, as it presents consumers with clear reasons why your brand is superior, leading to increased trust and consideration.

Competitive Edge: By directly addressing competitors, you can position your brand as the better choice, potentially gaining a competitive edge in the market.


Legal Risks: The advertising must be executed carefully to avoid legal issues, such as making false or misleading claims about competitors.

Negative Perception: Some consumers may view this form of advertising as aggressive or unethical, potentially damaging your brand’s reputation.

Backlash from Competitors: Engaging in this avenue may invite retaliation from competitors, leading to a prolonged and costly advertising battle.

What is Comparative Advertising

Things to Remember When Using OOH for Comparative Advertising

Be Accurate and Truthful

Ensure that all claims made in your advertising campaign are accurate and supported by evidence.

Focus on Key Points of Differentiation

Highlight the specific features or benefits that set your brand apart from competitors.

Keep it Clear and Simple

Outdoor advertising has limited space, so make sure your message is concise, easy to understand, and memorable.

Consider Visual Impact

Use eye-catching visuals and design elements to capture attention and make a lasting impression.

Target the Right Locations

Choose billboard advertising placements that align with your target audience’s demographics and behaviours.

Monitor and Evaluate

Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your OOH advertising campaign and make adjustments as needed.

Combative Advertising Examples

Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola: The long-standing rivalry between these two beverage giants has led to numerous advertising campaigns, with each brand highlighting its unique taste and preference among consumers.

Mac vs. PC: Apple’s “Get a Mac” campaign compared the advantages of Mac computers over PCs, emphasising their user-friendly interface and virus-free environment.

Burger King vs. McDonald’s: Burger King’s “Whopper Detour” campaign directly targeted McDonald’s customers, offering them a one-cent Whopper if they ordered from within a 600-foot radius of a McDonald’s location.

In Conclusion

Comparative advertising through OOH can be a powerful strategy to differentiate your brand and influence consumer preferences. By following legal guidelines, focusing on key points of differentiation, and leveraging the visual impact of OOH advertising, you can effectively communicate your brand’s superiority to a wide audience. However, it is crucial to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign and be prepared for potential backlash from competitors. With careful planning and execution, comparative advertising through OOH can help your brand stand out and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Want to use billboards or OOH? Please get in touch today 01202 670687 /

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